Discover the most frequently asked questions about GVNR
Frequently Asked Questions
How is GVNR different from other solutions on the market?
GVNR is a truly decentralised finance model that enables permissionless peer to peer blockchain control. GVNR allows any DApp to utilise all assets on any networked chain.
What applications can be built on GVNR?
Everything and anything. The concept of cross chain control is fundamental to the next phase of web3.
Liquidity and assets have fragmented across the many chains launched today and in the future, GVNR brings all these back together enabling permissionless universal control with a web2 experience to web3.
Why would a developer choose to build on GVNR as opposed to other solutions?
Other solutions use trusted centralised message relayers - most use two sided models and so are also unable to control Bitcoin. GVNR is open source, meaning any chain can connect themselves to the network.
What does it take to build a DApp on GVNR?
Just build and call the GVNR contract. GVNR is currently on EVM, with Bitcoin, Cosmos and others to follow.
Where is GVNR deployed?
Please see GVNR documentation for the latest up to date list of connected chains.
How are blockchains integrated to the network?
GVNR smart contracts must be deployed to the chain wishing to connect, the GVNR nodes will be required to watch and relay messages back to the controlling contract.
Who pays the transaction fees?
Users pay, DApps can abstract payment. $GVNR is needed for fees, but is abstracted into the chain’s native tokens to reduce friction for users and builders. You’ll only pay one gas native chain gas fee, GVNR takes care of the rest.
What is the Utility of $GVNR and where can I buy it?
$GVNR has multiple uses.
$GVNR is the Governance token of GVNR DAO LLC
$GVNR is a payment token used for cross chain network gas. You’ll buy and burn the $GVNR token with every transaction you make, with Bancor CarbonDefi AMM used to channel gas payments and coordinate purchases.
$GVNR is a payment token used for minting the annual chain membership NFTs.
$GVNR is a reward token distributed to node operators for operating decentralised nodes to relay messages.
Please explain how MPC and RPC are used by GVNR?
MPC and RPC technologies are used by wallet creators, custodians and centralised parties. GVNR uses decentralised versions of these technologies that our partners Lit Protocol and POKT have been working on for several years.
Permissionless access to these services allows defi builders to confidently build cross chain without reliance on a centralised party. Using MPC and RPC to control chains allows GVNR to access Bitcoin, XRP, Doge and other non smart contract chains.
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