Certified GVNR NFT Mints - Troubleshooting Guide
Following the exciting launch of Certified GVNR NFTs, we have observed aspiring GVNRs running into so challenged in the Portfolio creation and Minting phase, as outlined in our How-To Guide.
We have outlined these in the troubleshooting guide below:
STEP 1: Connecting your Wallet
Head to the Certified GVNR NFT landing page: https://gvnr.xyz/mint/certified
Click Connect Wallet and sign into Metamask
This should work seamlessly.
STEP 2: Selecting your Governance Chain
When selecting your governance chain you are offered the choice of 4 different Ethereum Layer 2 solutions.
At this stage, we have observed two issues that GVNRs commonly run into in the connection and minting phase, they are as follows:
ISSUE 1: No Chain Added to Wallet
Ensure to add one or all of the above chains to MetaMask please follow these links for step by step guides:
Here is a visual of the steps to add a chain in MetaMask:
ISSUE 2: No Gas on Selected Chain
If you do not have enough gas on the selected chain then you will not be able to sign the transaction to create the portfolio.Please make sure you have adequate gas to perform the task. The gas tokens are as follows:
Polygon: POL (pol)
Arbitrum: ETH (arbitrum)
Optimism: ETH (optimism)
Base: ETH (base)
Once you have selected a chain and have adequate gas on that chain go ahead and create your portfolio, signing the transactions generated in your wallet.
Following the creation of your Portfolio, you will then be redirected to the mint pages, where upon selection of your desired NFT you will be sent to JUSTPAY to complete your purchase.
Upon making it to the purchasing phase, as outlined in our extensive How-to Guide, some GVNRs are getting stuck for one of the following reasons.
ISSUE: Your chain in Metamask lacks the gas AND funds needed to pay for your desired NFT
At this step, we suggest checking your MetaMask account to see which chain is lacking the gas/fund required to perform the payment and mint. Make sure you also have enough funds to cover the payment.
If after checking everything above you still have an issue, please head over to the GVNR Support Channel on Telegram and supply us with the following:
Issue you are facing
Screenshots of your platform
Your connected wallet address
Chain selected
Transaction hash payment (If you have one)
Please bear with us during this period - rest assured. Everyone's support ticket will be dealt with in due course. We appreciate your support,
Kindest regards, the Governor.
Last updated